Worship with Olivet
Sunday Mornings
We gather each Sunday at 10:30 AM in our sanctuary for a blended worship service. Our service includes music and leadership by church members, with a mix of old and new liturgy and music.

Frequently Asked Questions
When should I arrive?
We have a fellowship hour that begins at 9:30 AM in our Fellowship Hall. There, we share breakfast bites and beverages along with conversation. Worship begins at 10:30 and generally lasts an hour.
What should I wear?
We don't want our clothes to serve as a barrier to worship. Wear your Sunday best or whatever makes you feel comfortable. You will see a wide array of styles in our worshiping space.
What about kids?
Kids are worshipful beings and welcome to fully participate in our service. We have a worship cart in the Fellowship Hall with activities to help keep little hands busy. Children are welcome to play on the rug in front of the choir loft, to dance in the Fellowship Hall, or to sit with their grown-ups in the pews. Wiggles and giggles are welcome! A nursery is also available for kiddos who need extra space to express themselves.
What about communion?
We believe gathering at the Lord's Table is one of the most important things we do as Christians. Therefore, we share communion in worship each week. All are welcome to partake. We pass trays with gluten-free bread and grape juice. Individual packs are available to those who prefer them as you enter the building.